Policies & Legislation

AYPF analyzes certain federal laws to understand how they affect youth marginalized by systemic inequities and how they enable or constrain states and communities in effectively and equitably serving these youth. We educate and inform policymakers about opportunities to improve youth policy and practice by developing and disseminating resources that provide examples and guidance on doing so.

To obtain a more comprehensive view of the various policies and legislation at the center of our work, please see below:

Bills Introduced in the 117th Congress

Enacted Legislation

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) ESSA amended the Elementary and Secondary Education Act in 2015, giving states and school districts increased flexibility to design programs to help more students be college and career ready. AYPF has primarily focused on alternative accountability under ESSA for students marginalized by systemic inequities, connections to college and career readiness, and provisions affecting student support and academic enrichment.
Carl D. Perkins Act The Perkins Act provides funds to states to support the academic and technical preparation of youth, build career pathways from secondary to postsecondary education, strengthen connections with employers, and improve accountability. AYPF is particularly interested in how states and school districts support career pathways and ensure success for youth marginalized by systemic inequities.
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) WIOA is designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market. AYPF is particularly interested in Title I services that support and prepare youth in and out-of-school for postsecondary education and careers and how states and districts use WIOA dollars to collaborate with other youth-serving programs.
21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) 21st CCLC provides federal funds to support afterschool, summer, and out-of-school time learning opportunities for children and youth. Funds are targeted to high poverty, low-income schools and are used for academic enrichment as well as art and music programs, college and career readiness, STEM programs, physical activity, social and emotional skill development, and nutrition education.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) IDEA ensures that students with disabilities have access to a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment as well as to other related services. AYPF is particularly interested in how IDEA, in partnership with other laws, can help more youth with disabilities be better prepared for postsecondary education and training and a career and improving the transition planning process.
Higher Education Act (HEA) The Higher Education Act (HEA), adopted in 1965, authorizes federal aid programs that support individuals pursuing postsecondary education and higher education institutions. The HEA was last reauthorized in 2008, and Congress is currently working towards the next HEA reauthorization.
State-Level Policies AYPF analyzes how states implement various provisions of federal law and their impact on youth marginalized by systemic inequities. In particular, we are interested in how states develop alternative accountability provisions, how states use various funding sources to develop comprehensive solutions to better serve youth, and how states are helping more youth be college and career ready and successful.

Resource Highlights

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