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- Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA)
- 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC)
- Carl D. Perkins Act
- Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
- Higher Education Act (HEA)
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
- State-Level Policies
- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
- October 2, 2020
Deeper Learning Information Hub
This information hub comprehensively spotlights a collection of AYPF and partner resources around Deeper Learning.
- February 4, 2020
Colorado’s efforts to align education and workforce needs in rural communities
Dr. Loretta Goodwin talks about the promising efforts underway in Colorado to align education and workforce opportunities for students.
- July 23, 2019
The Intersection Between CTE and Afterschool Programs: Perkins V
Thomasena Thomas writes about Perkins V, a legislation that aims to increase learner access to high-quality CTE programs.
- October 16, 2018
Setting State Equity Goals takes Planning & Partnerships
Loretta Goodwin offers insight into how states can set equity goals to ensure students have access to a quality education.
- August 28, 2018
Getting Back to School & Setting the Tone
Leslie Byford discusses the educational essentials that educators, teachers, and parents should consider as they head back to school.
- April 30, 2018
Highlights from Deeper Learning 2018 – and why you should attend in 2019!
Dr. Loretta Goodwin, recaps her visit to High Tech High for the annual Deeper Learning convening.
- April 17, 2018
AYPF Policy Pillars, Part 4: So Much to Learn! How do Young People Do It?
Betsy Brand discusses the importance and value of expanded learning and skill development to conclude our series on AYPF’s policy goals.
- March 20, 2018
Don’t just Shadow; Do something! What I Learned from Shadowing A Student
Dr. Loretta Goodwin shares her recent experience shadowing a student at a local high school.
- February 19, 2018
Feedback with Fixes – What we learned to improve our study tours
Dr. Loretta Goodwin shares how a year-long evaluation of our study tours informed our work for the better.
- February 6, 2018
AYPF Policy Pillars, Part 2: No More Square Pegs in Round Holes – Personalized Learning
Betsy Brand spotlights personalized learning in part-two of our series on AYPF’s policy goals.
- December 12, 2017
So Done with 2017? Take heart: positive policies, practices, and programs persist!
Betsy Brand looks back on 2017 and offers this message of optimism as the New Year approaches.
- November 28, 2017
Questions We’re Still Asking About Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
Carinne Deeds discusses five key questions about social and emotional learning that are worth continued exploration.
- November 14, 2017
Messages from Educators on Social and Emotional Learning
Carinne Deeds gets the 411 from educators about what they want policymakers to know about social and emotional learning.
Key Teaching and Learning Shifts for Personalized Learning: Preparing for Success
This webinar focused on the key teaching and learning shifts that occur in successful personalized learning settings over time, including how these shifts can …
- October 17, 2017
Don’t Doubt Detroit
Guest blogger Emily Liebtag shares why Detroit schools should not be counted out, following attendance at a recent Hewlett Foundation gathering in Detroit, Mic…
- October 17, 2017
Social and Emotional Learning and Traditionally Underserved Populations
This policy brief reviews the current state of research and practice in SEL for underserved populations, and explores potential policy levers for using SEL.
- September 19, 2017
Listen Deeply to Learn Deeply
Dr. Loretta Goodwin shares reflections and lessons on the importance of listening after attending a recent Hewlett Foundation meeting.
- July 19, 2017
A Bigger Picture: Innovation in CTE and Career Pathways in Ohio
Danny Gillis explores how career and technical education (CTE) can strengthen equity.
Afterschool and Workforce: Bridging Systems to Serve Older Youth
This convening highlighted how afterschool systems and workforce systems are working together to prepare all young people for success in postsecondary educatio…
- July 6, 2017
Making Media to Make Sense of Media
Guest bloggers Wendy Rivenburgh and Kate Goddard explore the powerful and urgent opportunity to build young people’s media literacy through media making.