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- Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA)
- 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC)
- Carl D. Perkins Act
- Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
- Higher Education Act (HEA)
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
- State-Level Policies
- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
- October 8, 2019
Afterschool Programming as a Lever to Enhance and Provide Career Readiness Opportunities
This brief examines how afterschool programming can be used to prepare students for career readiness, and offers recommendations to state leaders.
- July 11, 2019
Persistence to Graduation
This publication, along with individual practice briefs, highlights successful schools & programs in Kentucky that promote high school graduation.
- June 20, 2019
Alternative Education in ESSA State Plans: A Review of 38 States
A review of 38 ESSA state plans shows how states are addressing accountability for alternative education, with infographic of key findings.
- March 28, 2019
Developing a College-and Career-Ready Workforce: An Analysis of ESSA, Perkins V, IDEA, and WIOA
This resource tool examines how state leaders can leverage ESSA, IDEA, Perkins V, and WIOA to ensure that students are college and career ready.
- March 20, 2018
2018 Halperin Youth Public Service Award Essays
This year we are pleased to feature three essays written by Santos Amaya Guevara, Harrison Rodriguez and I-Ra Abubaker.
- January 31, 2018
Leveraging the Every Student Succeeds Act to Improve Educational Services in Juvenile Justice Facilities
This brief provides state and local policymakers, as well as education and juvenile justice leaders, with information about how they can use requirements under…
- January 10, 2018
Afterschool and Workforce: Opportunities for System-Level Alignment
This paper discusses the need for and benefits of better alignment across afterschool and workforce systems.
- January 9, 2018
How ESSA and IDEA Can Support College and Career Readiness for Students With Disabilities: Considerations for States
This brief examines how federal laws can promote meaningful pathways to postsecondary opportunities.
- November 30, 2017
Trends from the Field: Lessons Learned about Alternative Education
The American Youth Policy Forum (AYPF) has worked closely with stakeholders at the national, state, local, and institutional level to develop a deeper understa…
- November 30, 2017
Innovations In Accountability Measures & Processes: Three Case Studies for Alternative Education
As states continue to grapple with the most appropriate ways to hold schools accountable under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), there is a lack of …
- November 13, 2017
Measuring Success: Accountability for Alternative Education
This policy brief aims to address four key opportunities states have both within and outside of ESSA to better understand and ultimately improve alternative ed…
- November 2, 2017
Career and College Exploration in Afterschool Programs in STEM
This article highlights the important role afterschool plays in preparing youth for college and careers in STEM fields.
- October 17, 2017
Social and Emotional Learning and Traditionally Underserved Populations
This policy brief reviews the current state of research and practice in SEL for underserved populations, and explores potential policy levers for using SEL.
- September 21, 2017
Supporting Pathways to Long-Term Success for Systems-Involved Youth: Lessons Learned
This brief is a compilation of lessons learned from AYPF’s last two years of work focused specifically on systems-involved youth. Following a discussion about…
- September 21, 2017
FACT SHEET: Education and Workforce Related Policies Affecting Systems-Involved Youth
This fact sheet intends to inform researchers, policymakers, and practitioners of the federal legislation that govern systems-involved youth, and highlight gra…
- August 29, 2016
What Can States Learn About College and Career Readiness Accountability Measures from Alternative Education?
The Every Student Succeeds Act, 2015 (ESSA) provides states the opportunity to revise or design new accountability systems that include measures for all studen…
- May 18, 2016
Career Pathway Systems: Lessons from Miami
In order to help federal policymakers and national education leaders better understand how to develop a career pathways system, AYPF staff and a group of natio…
- May 6, 2016
State Policies to Support Competency-Based Education for Overage, Under-Credited Students
Approximately 2.6 million youth between 16 and 24 years of age are off-track for graduating from high school. For many of these students, they may not be prope…
- January 6, 2016
The Intersection of Afterschool and Competency-based Learning: Emerging Trends, Policy Considerations, and Questions for the Future
This white paper explores the intersection and relationship between Afterschool and Competency-based Learning.
- November 6, 2015
How Statewide Afterschool Networks Increase Investment In Afterschool
Please Note: This publication is undergoing technical revisions, and will be posted here shortly. We apologize for the inconvenience.There is broad nationwide …