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- Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA)
- 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC)
- Carl D. Perkins Act
- Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
- Higher Education Act (HEA)
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
- State-Level Policies
- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
- February 19, 2018
Feedback with Fixes – What we learned to improve our study tours
Dr. Loretta Goodwin shares how a year-long evaluation of our study tours informed our work for the better.
- February 6, 2018
AYPF Policy Pillars, Part 2: No More Square Pegs in Round Holes – Personalized Learning
Betsy Brand spotlights personalized learning in part-two of our series on AYPF’s policy goals.
- January 31, 2018
Leveraging the Every Student Succeeds Act to Improve Educational Services in Juvenile Justice Facilities
This brief provides state and local policymakers, as well as education and juvenile justice leaders, with information about how they can use requirements under…
- January 30, 2018
New Year, New Resources: Introducing the Alternative Education Hub
Jessica Kannam unveils AYPF’s new alternative education resource hub.
- January 23, 2018
“Nothing About Us, Without Us:” Leveraging Youth Voice for Change-making
Jenna Tomasello highlights how voices of foster care youth can play an integral role in both policy and practice change.
- January 16, 2018
“Do You See Me?”: Youth Voice to Address Barriers
Jesse Kannam spotlights three programs that are using youth voice to shape their programming and advocacy.
- January 10, 2018
Afterschool and Workforce: Opportunities for System-Level Alignment
This paper discusses the need for and benefits of better alignment across afterschool and workforce systems.
- January 9, 2018
How ESSA and IDEA Can Support College and Career Readiness for Students With Disabilities: Considerations for States
This brief examines how federal laws can promote meaningful pathways to postsecondary opportunities.
- January 9, 2018
AYPF Policy Pillars, Part 1: Pathways to College and Career Readiness and Success
Betsy Brand highlights the first of four AYPF policy goals---career pathways.
Supporting Students with Disabilities through Personalized Learning
This webinar focused on emerging efforts to use personalized learning approaches to better serve students with disabilities.
- January 2, 2018
Informing Youth Policy, Improving Youth Outcomes In a Changing World
Betsy Brand, provides the context for AYPF’s work and new strategic plan in 2018.
- December 12, 2017
So Done with 2017? Take heart: positive policies, practices, and programs persist!
Betsy Brand looks back on 2017 and offers this message of optimism as the New Year approaches.
- December 5, 2017
ESSA and the Dirty A-Word
Jenna Tomasello discusses the challenges juvenile justice facilities face when it comes to education, ESSA and accountability.
- November 30, 2017
Trends from the Field: Lessons Learned about Alternative Education
The American Youth Policy Forum (AYPF) has worked closely with stakeholders at the national, state, local, and institutional level to develop a deeper understa…
Social and Emotional Learning for Traditionally Underserved Populations
This webinar examined the importance of SEL for students with disabilities, English language learners, and youth involved in the juvenile justice system.
- November 30, 2017
Innovations In Accountability Measures & Processes: Three Case Studies for Alternative Education
As states continue to grapple with the most appropriate ways to hold schools accountable under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), there is a lack of …
Learning for Careers: The Pathways to Prosperity Network
This forum highlighted how key actors in Delaware, a Pathways to Prosperity state, worked together to develop and implement a coherent strategic career pathway…
- November 28, 2017
Questions We’re Still Asking About Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
Carinne Deeds discusses five key questions about social and emotional learning that are worth continued exploration.
- November 21, 2017
A Seat at the Table: Questioning the Position of Special Education within Social-Emotional Learning
Logan Beyer explores the current and potential intersections between SEL and special education.
- November 14, 2017
Messages from Educators on Social and Emotional Learning
Carinne Deeds gets the 411 from educators about what they want policymakers to know about social and emotional learning.