Check out the latest from our staff in our Forum For Thought
Equitable Pathways to Opportunities for Young People
February 3, 2023AYPF Youth Policy Consultants share insights on creating equitable pathways to opportunities for youth.
Colorado’s efforts to align education and workforce needs in rural communities
February 4, 2020Dr. Loretta Goodwin talks about the promising efforts underway in Colorado to align education and workforce opportunities for students.
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Equitable Pathways to Opportunities for Young People
February 3, 2023AYPF Youth Policy Consultants share insights on creating equitable pathways to opportunities for youth.
Colorado’s efforts to align education and workforce needs in rural communities
February 4, 2020Dr. Loretta Goodwin talks about the promising efforts underway in Colorado to align education and workforce opportunities for students.
42 Years of CTE Policy: Progress and Lingering Challenges
February 5, 2019Betsy Brand discusses the important role CTE plays in preparing youth for workforce success.
Strengthening the Pipeline between High School and College
May 30, 2018Samaura Stone examines what one local community college is doing to create pathways to postsecondary success for local high school students.
AYPF Policy Pillars, Part 1: Pathways to College and Career Readiness and Success
January 9, 2018Betsy Brand highlights the first of four AYPF policy goals---career pathways.
The New CTE: Let’s Talk About Skills
November 8, 2017Jessica Kannam discusses how three CTE programs define and incorporate skill development in their work.
A Bigger Picture: Innovation in CTE and Career Pathways in Ohio
July 19, 2017Danny Gillis explores how career and technical education (CTE) can strengthen equity.
Creating the “Win-Win” for Schools and Employers: Lessons from Los Angeles
May 2, 2016Jenna Tomasello, Policy AssociatePart of what it takes to ensure students are college and career ready is to provide students with hands-on, workplace learnin…
Top 5 Lessons from Miami: Career Pathways in Action
April 27, 2016By Carinne Deeds and Zachary MalterOn May 31st and April 1st, 2016, AYPF staff and a group of congressional staff and national education leaders visited Miami …
Revisiting Youth Apprenticeships
November 30, 2015George Knowles, Digital Communications AssociateFor youth who are struggling to find employment, the job market can seem like a bleak place. As of July 2015, …