Check out the latest from our staff in our Forum For Thought
Equitable Pathways to Opportunities for Young People
February 3, 2023AYPF Youth Policy Consultants share insights on creating equitable pathways to opportunities for youth.
Looking Back & Looking Ahead
January 6, 2023AYPF’s Executive Director Stephanie McGencey looks back and looks ahead to the coming months for AYPF.
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- Accountability
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- Social and Emotional Learning
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Equitable Pathways to Opportunities for Young People
February 3, 2023AYPF Youth Policy Consultants share insights on creating equitable pathways to opportunities for youth.
Looking Back & Looking Ahead
January 6, 2023AYPF’s Executive Director Stephanie McGencey looks back and looks ahead to the coming months for AYPF.
Colorado’s efforts to align education and workforce needs in rural communities
February 4, 2020Dr. Loretta Goodwin talks about the promising efforts underway in Colorado to align education and workforce opportunities for students.
The Intersection Between CTE and Afterschool Programs: Perkins V
July 23, 2019Thomasena Thomas writes about Perkins V, a legislation that aims to increase learner access to high-quality CTE programs.
A Guide for State Leaders: Equity in Career and Technical Education (CTE)
February 19, 2019Maria Duarte offers some food for thought on how state leaders can make both equity and quality a focal point of CTE programs.
42 Years of CTE Policy: Progress and Lingering Challenges
February 5, 2019Betsy Brand discusses the important role CTE plays in preparing youth for workforce success.
How States Can Leverage Service to Promote Equity
January 23, 2019Jesse Kannam shares how national service programs can increase access to equitable education and workforce opportunities for traditionally underserved youth.
Looking Back, Looking Forward
December 11, 2018As 2018 comes to a close Betsy Brand offers reflections on the current state of education, youth and workforce policy and her hopes for the future.
Looking Backward, Moving Forward: Experts Talk Education, Youth and Workforce Policy
November 6, 2018Betsy Brand recaps our 25th anniversary panel discussion with national experts in education, youth, and workforce policy.
Setting State Equity Goals takes Planning & Partnerships
October 16, 2018Loretta Goodwin offers insight into how states can set equity goals to ensure students have access to a quality education.
Summer Learning Programs: Benefits Beyond Academics
June 19, 2018Jesse Kannam discusses how summer learning programs can curtail learning loss and also support youth in other important ways.
Strengthening the Pipeline between High School and College
May 30, 2018Samaura Stone examines what one local community college is doing to create pathways to postsecondary success for local high school students.
5 Ways to Better Serve Traditionally Underserved Youth
May 22, 2018Jenna Tomasello offers insight into how alternative education settings can better serve traditionally underserved youth.
Highlights from Deeper Learning 2018 – and why you should attend in 2019!
April 30, 2018Dr. Loretta Goodwin, recaps her visit to High Tech High for the annual Deeper Learning convening.
AYPF Policy Pillars, Part 4: So Much to Learn! How do Young People Do It?
April 17, 2018Betsy Brand discusses the importance and value of expanded learning and skill development to conclude our series on AYPF’s policy goals.
Don’t just Shadow; Do something! What I Learned from Shadowing A Student
March 20, 2018Dr. Loretta Goodwin shares her recent experience shadowing a student at a local high school.
AYPF Policy Pillars, Part 3: Putting Our Collective Arms Around Our Youth
March 6, 2018Betsy Brand discusses the value and importance of Comprehensive Connected Supports in part-three of our series on AYPF’s policy goals.
All Means All: Q&A About Using ESSA to Improve Education in Juvenile Justice Facilities
February 27, 2018Guest blogger Hailly Korman talks with Jenna Tomasello about how ESSA can be leveraged to improve education in juvenile justice facilities.
Feedback with Fixes – What we learned to improve our study tours
February 19, 2018Dr. Loretta Goodwin shares how a year-long evaluation of our study tours informed our work for the better.
AYPF Policy Pillars, Part 2: No More Square Pegs in Round Holes – Personalized Learning
February 6, 2018Betsy Brand spotlights personalized learning in part-two of our series on AYPF’s policy goals.