Improving Education and Workforce Outcomes for Systems-Involved Youth

Improving Education and Workforce Outcomes for Systems-Involved Youth
Improving Education and Workforce Outcomes for Systems-Involved Youth

Discussion Group Materials

Improving Education and Workforce Outcomes For Systems-Involved Youth Discussion Group Summary
Improving Education and Workforce Outcomes For Systems-Involved Youth Discussion Group Summary 1-Pager
Speaker Biographies
AYPF Compiled PowerPoint Presentation
Nigel Bowe Spark Presentation
Kat Keenan Spark Presentation


There are nearly 425,000 youth in foster care and 50,000 youth in the juvenile justice system. Due to many precipitating factors, such as housing instability and the lack of social supports, a vast majority of these youth struggle with education and workforce barriers that hinder their path to successfully transitioning into adulthood. What if we could change this trajectory, so that youth involved in the foster care and the juvenile justice system are able to transition out of care with the tools and confidence needed to excel in their next steps?

This discussion group highlighted two organizations that are working to do just that for the youth in Philadelphia and Rhode Island. Each program uses best-practices to successfully connect youth transitioning out of foster care and youth involved in the juvenile justice system with opportunities to gain job training, placement, and educational assistance. Participants also discussed the link between programs and policies, relevant state and federal legislation, framing, and areas of alignment.

Specifically, the goals of the discussion group included:

  • Identifying opportunities within policy to better support the education and workforce success of youth involved in foster care and the juvenile justice system;
  • Highlighting successful programs and their connection to current and future policies;
  • Exploring effective means for framing this topic for policymakers; and
  • Building a consensus around key areas of influence for federal and state policymakers.

Discussion Group Pre-Readings

Additional Resources


The American Youth Policy Forum (AYPF), a nonprofit, nonpartisan professional development organization based in Washington, DC, provides learning opportunities for policy leaders, practitioners, and researchers working on youth and education issues at the national, state, and local levels. AYPF events and publications are made possible by contributions from philanthropic foundations. For a complete list, click here.