We are now accepting applications for the Spring and Summer 2020
Research/Policy Internship.
In celebration of Afterschool Awareness Month, AYPF is happy to release our newest brief, Afterschool Programming as a Lever to Enhance and Provide Career Readiness Opportunities, prepared for the College & Career Readiness & Success Center at AIR. The brief looks at ways to leverage afterschool time to prepare students at every stage of career development, from career awareness in kindergarten through sixth grade to career training in eleventh and twelfth grades. The brief offers recommendations for state leaders who are interested in using afterschool programming for career readiness.
AYPF is honoring National Youth Justice Awareness Month by showcasing our on-demand webinar, Effective Juvenile Justice Reforms in the Era of ESSA. This broadcast overviews ESSA requirements for serving students in the juvenile justice system and highlighted models from around the country that are effectively implementing these mandates. Topics addressed included: utilizing evidence-based educational assessments; improving educational attainment and access to a traditional high school diploma; credit transfer; timely and appropriate re-enrollment, and re-entry planning.
Stay Tuned! This week, AYPF will release a blog post and compilation of valuable resources related to increasing awareness on youth justice policies and programs. Keep any eye out for these valuable resources in your inbox, and follow us on Twitter @AYPF_Tweets as we explore the important work of #YJAM.
To view all AYPF information hubs
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for video clips of events, interviews and more.
Solving Student Loan Debt through Financial Literacy By: Ben Pults
In this blog post, Ben highlights the importance of implementing policies to improve financial literacy for college-bound students.
Five Suggestions to Leverage Afterschool Programs to Promote College and Career Readiness By: Betsy Brand
This blog post stresses the importance of afterschool programs to help youth develop college and career readiness skills.
Check these out – top five recommended readings from the AYPF staff:
The William T. Grant Foundation – Relaunched RPP Website, a virtual “one-stop shop” for individuals who are looking to form, grow, or support a research-practice partnership and for funders interested in supporting RPPs
The American Educational Research Association (AERA) – Study Finds Relationship between Racial Discipline Disparities and Academic Achievement Gaps in U.S. Schools
Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center and the National Reentry Resource Center – On Track: How Well Are States Preparing Youth in the Juvenile Justice System for Employment?
The Institute of Education Sciences (IES) – A Review of Instruments for Measuring Social and Emotional Learning Skills among Secondary School Students