Evidence-Based Policy: Moving Beyond Data Dissemination to Increased Evidence Use

Evidence-Based Policy: Moving Beyond Data Dissemination to Increased Evidence Use
Washington, DC

Forum Material(s)



With recent passage of the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act, the federal government has taken an important step forward. In addition to strengthening privacy protections and improving secure data access, the act directs agencies to develop evidence-building plans, establish Evaluation Officers, and coordinate evidence-building activities across agencies. But while the federal government’s push for evidence-building is important, we will not arrive at stronger policy if the evidence is not used.

At this forum participants gained new insight into the use of research evidence. Through presentations and extensive Q and A periods, participants were challenged to push their thinking beyond evidence building and dissemination to systems-wide approaches to evidence use.

Annette Boaz, eminent international expert, discussed lessons from around the world in her new book, What Works Now: Evidence-informed Policy and Practice. U.S. researchers and their policy partners shared concrete examples of evidence use. Lauren Supplee and Charisse Johnson talked about the partnership between the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, and the Office of Family Assistance. Taylor Scott and Max Crowley, Penn State University, and Emily Douglas, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, presented on the Research-to-Policy Collaboration Model.


The American Youth Policy Forum (AYPF), a nonprofit, nonpartisan professional development organization based in Washington, DC, provides learning opportunities for policy leaders, practitioners, and researchers working on youth and education issues at the national, state, and local levels. AYPF events and publications are made possible by contributions from philanthropic foundations. For a complete list, click here.