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- Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA)
- 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC)
- Carl D. Perkins Act
- Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
- Higher Education Act (HEA)
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
- State-Level Policies
- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
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Learning Journey
The Learning Journey was an immersive, deeply engaging experience that allowed participants to see, first-hand, evidence-based policy and practice solutions to…
- February 3, 2023
Equitable Pathways to Opportunities for Young People
AYPF Youth Policy Consultants share insights on creating equitable pathways to opportunities for youth.
AYPF Youth Summit, 2nd Session On August 17, the American Youth Policy Forum hosted our second session of the Youth Summit, a series of discussions focused …
AYPF Youth Summit, 1st Session August 3, the American Youth Policy Forum began hosting our Youth Summit, which was the first in a series of discussions focused…
- July 8, 2022
Make No Choice Without Youth Voice
Kameryn discusses youth engagement--her experience, research on the topic, and AYPF's strategy.
Saving Summer Jobs: How Can Summer Youth Employment Programs Improve Youth Outcomes during COVID-19?
This interactive webinar illuminated how Boston mounted effective summer job programs during COVID-19.