July 2016

July 2016



Forum Brief – Scaling Effective Practices for Youth Transitioning Out of Foster Care

Annually 26,000 young people age out of the foster care system, often with limited resources and relationships to ensure they successfully transition into adulthood. Providing the necessary supports and guidance to ensure these young people can navigate their own pathway to long-term success is critical. Research has demonstrated the effectiveness of Youth Villages’ YVLifeSet program. By providing intensive, individualized, and clinically focused case management, support, and counseling, YVLifeSet has demonstrated excellent results with young people transitioning out of foster care or with a history of involvement in the juvenile justice system. This forum focused on these research findings and their implications for scaling effective practices and the role of policy.
Forum For Thought Blog

The Forum for Thought blog is operated by the American Youth Policy Forum, and highlights diverse points of view and information from the intersection of policy, practice and research

·       Policy Associate Carinne Deeds illustrates the ways that partnerships across the education policy ecosystem are essential to building high-quality afterschool programs.

·       What does a “flipped classroom” look like? Policy Associate Jenna Tomasello reconnects with her high school teacher to learn more about his innovative approach to student learning.

·       Policy Research Assistant Zachary Malter highlights five best practices for supporting youth in foster care in a post-ESSA environment.

·       How can we fill the demand for more programmers and coders? Senior Director Loretta Goodwin explores ways to provide more students with access to computer science classes.

·       Cell phones are everywhere these days, including the classroom. Policy Intern Andrew Shachat explains why that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

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Click here to find all briefs and reports


The AYPF Board of Directors recently elected new leadership. Many thanks to our outgoing Board Chair, Jim McKenney, for his many years of services and his willingness to stay on the board to support the new leadership. The new slate of officers includes:

· Chair: Tony Sarmiento

· Vice Chair: Lydia Logan

· Secretary: Lorelle Espinosa

· Treasurer: Anthony Shop

To learn more about AYPF’s Board of Directors, please visit: https://aypf.wpenginepowered.com/about/board-of-directors/


Check these out – recommended reading from the AYPF staff:

Education Commission of the States Collaborative Stakeholder Engagement

Experts in the field argue that the traditional stakeholder engagement model alone will not produce the long-term outcomes states desire. This report offers a framework for going beyond simply engaging stakeholders for input to collaborating with them to create shared goals and better results.

Center for Public Education Path Least Taken III

In this third and final installment of the Path Least Taken series, this report aims to provide a clearer understanding of the outcomes for graduates who take different paths in the years following high school in order for educators and policymakers to make more informed decisions about how to prepare students for success, whichever path they choose.

NASBE How States How States Can Advance Deeper Learning for All

This report explores how three domains: resources, rigor, and educational experiences, can be analyzed by states to ensure equitable access to deeper learning skills in the classroom.

State Higher Education Executive Officers Association Serving the Equity Imperative: Intentional Action Toward Greater Student Success

The data presented in this policy brief support the notion that time is, in fact, the enemy and that many underserved students fail to achieve a higher education credential because the path to a degree is unnecessarily long, costs too much, and does not support success for all students. These data show that few gaps exist across race/ethnicity for students who successfully complete the education pipeline.

The American Youth Policy Forum (AYPF), a nonprofit, nonpartisan professional development organization based in Washington, DC, provides learning opportunities for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers working on youth and education issues at the national, state, and local levels.

AYPF events and publications are made possible by a consortium of philanthropic foundations: Andrus Family Fund, Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationWilliam T. Grant Foundation, The Wallace Foundation, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and others.