This webinar will focus on the use of student surveys at the district and state levels. Elaine Allensworth from the Consortium on Chicago School Research will discuss the Illinois Five Essentials; Kendra Wilhelm, Denver Public Schools, will talk about the LEAP (Leading Effective Academic Practice) work in Denver that is DPS’s system of evaluating the performance and supporting the growth of teachers, and Amy Farley will discuss the Colorado Legacy Foundation’s work on using student surveys with pilot districts, including rural districts.
Ready for Success Blog The Ready for Success Blog, operated by College and Career Readiness and Success Center at the American Institutes of Research, provides practitioners and policymakers with many posts related to college and career readiness. Topics span the field of strategies which help prepare students for postsecondary education and beyond, including accelerated learning; dropout prevention and recovery; increased learning time; and federal, state, and local policy initiatives to name a few.
Webinar Video: On February 27th, AYPF hosted a webinar highlighting the role of intermediaries in promoting research to policymakers in education. Presenters included Dr. Chris Lubienski, Professor at University of Illinois and Principal Investigator of “How Do Intermediary Organizations Promote Research Evidence for Educational Policymaking?”; Dr. Kevin Welner, Professor at University of Colorado and Director of the National Education Policy Center; and Kim Nauer, Education Project Director, The New School for Public Engagement, Center for New York City Affairs.
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Check these out – recommended reading from the AYPF staff
America’s Forgotten Student Population Angela Long, Christopher M. Mullin
This is the first book to remedy the dearth of data on this forgotten population, to present original research on these students, describing their characteristics and motivations, and to provide proven models for identifying, retaining and graduating this under-counted and underestimated cohort. It addresses the issue of the pipeline from GED centers to postsecondary education, and includes first-person narratives that offer vivid insights into GED earners’ resilience and needs.
Race for Results: Building a Path to Opportunity for All Children The Annie E. Casey Foundation
In this policy report, the Annie E. Casey Foundation explores the intersection of kids, race and opportunity. The report features the new Race for Results index, which compares how children are progressing on key milestones across racial and ethnic groups at the national and state level. The index is based on 12 indicators that measure a child’s success in each stage of life, from birth to adulthood, in the areas of early childhood; education and early work; family supports; and neighborhood context.
Call for a National Conversation on Creating a Competency-Based Credentialing Ecosystem CLASP
CLASP joins policy leaders in other organizations in calling upon key stakeholders in our nation’s postsecondary education and workforce credentialing system to come together to increase transparency, trust and portability in the credentialing marketplace. The paper describes the crisis of credibility in the complex and highly fragmented credentialing system and outlines the components of what a fully functioning, competency-based credentialing ecosystem would include.
Needed: More Better Learning Time Huffington Post Education
Karen Pittman, CEO for Forum for Youth Investment, makes the case for not just more learning time — but for more high-quality learning time, in school and out.
Dual Capacity Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships U.S. Department of Education Homeroom Blog
The Dual Capacity Building Framework addresses the challenges facing many states, districts and schools attempting to develop and maintain better partnerships and positive relationships with families. The Framework is not a detailed roadmap or prescriptive remedy. Rather, it provides a way to think about and organize what is to be done from a variety of entry points on the road towards effective family-school partnerships that support student achievement and school improvement.
The American Youth Policy Forum (AYPF), a nonprofit, nonpartisan professional development organization based in Washington, DC, provides learning opportunities for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers working on youth and education issues at the national, state, and local levels.
AYPF events and publications are made possible by a consortium of philanthropic foundations: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, William T. Grant Foundation, The Wallace Foundation, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and others.
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