Study Tour Material(s)
Recommended Resources
- What is Deeper Learning?
- Deeper Learning: How Eight Innovative Public Schools Are Transforming Education in the Twenty-First Century, Monica Martinez, Dennis McGrath
- Chris Shearer PowerPoint Presentation on Deeper Learning
- Linda Darling-Hammond – PowerPoint: Teaching for 21st Century Learning
- Katy Anthes Power Point – Colorado Department of Education Teacher Effectiveness
- Rebecca Holmes PowerPoint – Learning in the Innovation State
The goal of this study tour was to learn about effective teaching in schools that incorporate rigorous academics, deeper learning experiences, higher order skills, and innovative and effective teaching and learning practices. These practices create personalized learning experiences and prepare students for college and career success.
Participants visited a school in Denver, CO that is supporting teaching that provides rich academic learning in personalized settings. Through conversations with students, teachers, and administrators, participants witnessed first-hand how a school culture is created that supports teachers as they grow professionally and offers instruction that promotes the deeper learning competencies of mastery of core academic content; critical thinking and problem solving; working collaboratively; communicating effectively; learning how to learn; and cultivating an academic mindset.
High-level education policy leaders also joined the study group to share an understanding of the policy conditions that support the expansion of innovative approaches, such as those featured in the site visits to schools. The policy discussions focused on capacity building, professional development, funding, Common Core-aligned curriculum, instruction, and assessments.