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- Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA)
- 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC)
- Carl D. Perkins Act
- Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
- Higher Education Act (HEA)
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
- State-Level Policies
- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
Supporting Students with Disabilities through Personalized Learning
This webinar focused on emerging efforts to use personalized learning approaches to better serve students with disabilities.
Social and Emotional Learning for Traditionally Underserved Populations
This webinar examined the importance of SEL for students with disabilities, English language learners, and youth involved in the juvenile justice system.
- November 21, 2017
A Seat at the Table: Questioning the Position of Special Education within Social-Emotional Learning
Logan Beyer explores the current and potential intersections between SEL and special education.
Key Teaching and Learning Shifts for Personalized Learning: Preparing for Success
This webinar focused on the key teaching and learning shifts that occur in successful personalized learning settings over time, including how these shifts can …
- June 27, 2017
How We Can Move From Seeing To Experiencing Deeper Learning
Jenna Tomasello offers insight into how we can move from seeing to experiencing deeper learning.
- June 20, 2017
Walk a Mile in My Shoes – Community Walks Foster Equity and Deeper Learning
Betsy Brand shares the innovative practice of community walks to promote equity and understanding.
- June 13, 2017
Courageous State Leadership for Educational Equity – Daunting, but Necessary
Dr. Loretta Goodwin shares why courageous state leadership for educational equity is daunting, but Necessary.
- June 6, 2017
Building a More Robust Body of Research about Outcomes of a New Generation of Researcher-Practitioner Collaboration in Education
Guest blogger Sarah Ryan discusses the conditions under which researcher-practitioner collaboration yields the kinds of positive and sustained changes necessar…
The New Postsecondary Reality: Structured and Supportive Pathways to Credential Attainment
This convening highlighted examples from across the country of innovative and effective ways to support students from K-12 through postsecondary credential att…
- September 26, 2016
The Teacher Shortage is More Complicated Than You Think
Jenna Tomasello examines teacher shortages. Is there more to the issue than simple attrition?
Why Re-imagine Accountability?
This forum highlighted approaches to thinking more broadly about accountability.
- January 12, 2016
Three Education Trends to Watch in 2016
George Knowles, Digital Communications AssociateThe reauthorization of the ESEA won't be the only hot issue for education policy in 2016. The following are AY…
- August 17, 2015
Partnering for Better Policy – Include Teacher Voice!
Loretta Goodwin, Senior DirectorHow can teachers partner with policymakers to create better policy? This was the challenge posed by Sean McComb, 2014 National…
- June 22, 2015
Preparing (and Retaining) Effective Teachers for All
George Knowles, Web Communications AssociateThere’s nothing more important to a student’s education than an effective, engaged teacher. Dedicated educators wh…
- May 18, 2015
How the Illinois 5Essentials Survey Forces Hard Conversations
Loretta Goodwin, Senior DirectorWhile many aspects of survey development and use were discussed on a recent AYPF study tour to Illinois, a few particularly ha…
Study Tour (Chicago, IL) The Use of Student and Teacher Surveys for School Improvement
This study tour examined the use of student and teacher school climate surveys in the continuous improvement of teaching and learning.
- April 6, 2015
How One School is Supporting Teaching for Deeper Learning
Loretta Goodwin, Senior DirectorIn order for students to become college and career ready and learn deeply, they need teachers who are prepared to support lear…
Using Student Surveys For Teacher Professional Development: Ongoing Discussion
This convening highlighted districts that are using student surveys in different ways to engage student voice in the teacher development process.
- December 1, 2014
Using Student Voices to Improve Teacher Practice
Loretta Goodwin, Senior DirectorHow can we best use the voices and input of students, via student surveys, to improve teaching and learning? That was th…
Study Tour (Denver, CO) Using Student Surveys for Teacher Professional Development
This study tour examined the use of student voice in the continuous improvement of teaching and learning.